IASE 2023 Satellite Conference
Fostering Learning of
Statistics and Data Science
Hybrid Conference
11 – 13 July 2023,   Toronto, Canada


The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) are co-organizing the 13th IASE Satellite Conference which will take place from 11 July to 13 July 2023, just before the 64th World Statistics Congress (WSC64, 16–20 July in Ottawa, Canada). The conference will be offered in a hybrid format to welcome both online delegates and those participating in-person in Toronto, Canada. Previous IASE Satellites have brought 80-120 folks from around the world and the host country to share their passion, expertise, and experiences in statistics education. Many delegates also attend the broader World Statistics Congress, which has numerous sessions related to statistical education and statistical computing.

The broad theme of the conference is "Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science". The data landscape is constantly shifting, driven by perpetual technological, economic, and societal developments. Information is now recorded and shared at unprecedented rates, with statisticians and data scientists called to make sense and use of increasingly complex data. Conventional methods of data analysis are being adapted for this new landscape, while additional approaches are being developed under the umbrella of Data Science. Naturally, these changes have profound implications for education too, raising important questions about what, when, to whom, and how we teach Statistics and Data Science. The theme aims to engage with these questions in order to promote and sustain learning in our field.

We invite you to participate in this Satellite Conference, to join us in sharing knowledge, questions, and ideas that enable us to learn from the work of colleagues from around the world and help to advance the teaching and learning of Statistics and Data Science. The conference program will be a mixture of plenary talks, papers, and poster sessions, coupled with opportunities for conversation in person and online.

Participate in IASE 2023

The International Program Committee (IPC) of the IASE 2023 Satellite Online Conference received proposals for papers and posters that align with the theme "Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science" up until the end of January, and authors were notified of acceptance by 24 February 2023. 

With the keynote speakers and the excellent proposals that were received, IASE 2023 is shaping up to be an exciting conference! Please check out the Program page for information on the keynote speakers and for the conference schedule. Information on the program will be updated there as it becomes available. 

Registration is now open! Please check out the Registration page for more information. 



The IASE Satellite comes just before the 64th World Statistics Congress.


We gratefully acknowledge the support and sponsorship of the following organizations:




The IASE 2023 Satellite Conference Proceedings are available at IASE's Web Portal.

Local Attractions
CN Tower CN Tower
Toronto Skyline Toronto Skyline
UofT Campus University of Toronto
City Hall City Hall
(images from pixabay)